What do you do when a loved one will not realize the extent of their drug and alcohol addiction and you have run out of ways to get them to treatment? Intervention can be a helpful way to provide a plan for treatment and make a case for recovery.

addiction intervention through group sessions

They are lying

Lying, stealing, cheating, deceiving, and manipulating, are all common behaviors in addiction and alcoholism. It is important to understand that addicts and alcoholics are not liars, thieves, cheaters, or bad people who do bad things. The way addiction and alcoholism take over the brain impairs the very areas of thinking which control rationality, logic, judgment, and morality. Additionally, areas of the brain concerned with survival are also affected. As a result, the brain believes using drugs and alcohol are a matter of life or death and any moral decision making outside of that becomes irrelevant as well as compromised.

They cannot take care of themselves

There is a dangerous myth called the “high functioning” addict or alcoholic. Continuing to meet the daily responsibilities of life, all of the necessary components to keep up appearances are met. Job, bills, family members, and other duties are taken care of without issue. In the background, the addict or alcoholic is suffering. They may not be able to take care of themselves in other ways like hygiene, physical health, and mental health. Though the surface appearance of their lives seems fine, the important details of personal health are failing because of their inability to manage their drinking and drug use.

They’re losing their memory

Episodes of blacking out under the influence of alcohol or losing periods of time under the influence of drugs is common when a substance use problem has become unmanageable. Blacking out and time loss doesn’t always happen. Instead, signs of memory damage are demonstrated through an increasing difficulty retaining simple information. Current conversations can go aloof, important details are lost, and tasks go uncompleted due to forgetfulness.

Their moods are shifting

Drug and alcohol addiction can get in the way of emotional regulation. Under the influence of drugs and alcohol, they may not be able to contain their emotions. Otherwise mild individuals turn wild and full of rage. People with more robust personalities become silent and dreary. Eventually, their mood shift due to drugs and alcohol extends beyond their use of drugs and alcohol. They seem not to be themselves anymore, even when they aren’t intoxicated.

Interventions are safe ways to approach a loved one about their drug and alcohol use while presenting a well designed plan for treatment. Cypress Lake Recovery offers intervention services for families in need of getting a loved one help. Our programs provide excellence in addiction treatment and recovery. Call us today for more information, at 866-217-2636.

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4 Signs It Is Time For An Intervention

What do you do when a loved one will not realize the extent of their drug and alcohol addiction and you have run out of ways to get them to treatment? Intervention can be a helpful way to provide a plan for treatment and make a case for recovery.

addiction intervention through group sessions

They are lying

Lying, stealing, cheating, deceiving, and manipulating, are all common behaviors in addiction and alcoholism. It is important to understand that addicts and alcoholics are not liars, thieves, cheaters, or bad people who do bad things. The way addiction and alcoholism take over the brain impairs the very areas of thinking which control rationality, logic, judgment, and morality. Additionally, areas of the brain concerned with survival are also affected. As a result, the brain believes using drugs and alcohol are a matter of life or death and any moral decision making outside of that becomes irrelevant as well as compromised.

They cannot take care of themselves

There is a dangerous myth called the “high functioning” addict or alcoholic. Continuing to meet the daily responsibilities of life, all of the necessary components to keep up appearances are met. Job, bills, family members, and other duties are taken care of without issue. In the background, the addict or alcoholic is suffering. They may not be able to take care of themselves in other ways like hygiene, physical health, and mental health. Though the surface appearance of their lives seems fine, the important details of personal health are failing because of their inability to manage their drinking and drug use.

They’re losing their memory

Episodes of blacking out under the influence of alcohol or losing periods of time under the influence of drugs is common when a substance use problem has become unmanageable. Blacking out and time loss doesn’t always happen. Instead, signs of memory damage are demonstrated through an increasing difficulty retaining simple information. Current conversations can go aloof, important details are lost, and tasks go uncompleted due to forgetfulness.

Their moods are shifting

Drug and alcohol addiction can get in the way of emotional regulation. Under the influence of drugs and alcohol, they may not be able to contain their emotions. Otherwise mild individuals turn wild and full of rage. People with more robust personalities become silent and dreary. Eventually, their mood shift due to drugs and alcohol extends beyond their use of drugs and alcohol. They seem not to be themselves anymore, even when they aren’t intoxicated.

Interventions are safe ways to approach a loved one about their drug and alcohol use while presenting a well designed plan for treatment. Cypress Lake Recovery offers intervention services for families in need of getting a loved one help. Our programs provide excellence in addiction treatment and recovery. Call us today for more information, at 866-217-2636.

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