When a person struggles with addiction, it is difficult to convince him or her to seek out addiction treatment unless that person is able to admit the need for help. Denial can be a strong defense mechanism for keeping addiction going. An intervention for substance abuse is planned carefully with the help of loved ones to support a person in seeking help for addiction. The process requires lots of planning and patience but, for some families, it is the last chance to get a loved one into treatment.

What Happens During Substance Abuse Interventions

Substance abuse interventions require planning over a period of time that includes strategies for intervening that will best support the loved one. It is good to be well informed prior to choosing an intervention specialist or an intervention approach. Before an actual intervention, a loved one should meet with a specialist to plan out details. This includes people who will attend, where it will be held, when and what will be said.

Once the intervention is planned, one or more members of the group will be responsible for getting a person with addiction to the prearranged meeting spot on time. The group will then be responsible for getting the person with addiction to sit down and listen as the individual takes turns telling him or her how the substance abuse is harming others around them.

finding a new purpose through addiction therapy

Some Things to Avoid

When conducting an intervention with a loved one, there are some things to avoid. It is a delicate situation and process which makes it necessary to consider how certain things may prompt the individual to turn down the offer of treatment or become more afraid of the process. Some of the things to consider avoiding include:

  • Being judgmental
  • Speaking with anger
  • Trying to shame or embarrass the person with addiction
  • Involving anyone who condones or participates in a person with addiction substance abuse
  • Holding an intervention when a loved one is actively using substances

Tips for Success

There are things to avoid during interventions for substance abuse and can make the process more successful. The following can be helpful to seek a more successful intervention:

  • Consult with an intervention specialist
  • Plan details of the intervention in advance
  • Speak calmly, with respect
  • Present factual information and examples
  • Make arrangements for loved one’s in treatment in advance of the intervention

Interventions are challenging for everyone involved. Taking the time to select the right intervention specialist and to plan out the process will help make it go more smoothly. When families plan interventions, difficult emotions may arise so it is important to consider how this will impact the intervention and work through the steps and how-to’s ahead of time. The goal is to help support the loved one with addiction in making a positive choice towards treatment. Through this goal, families can then begin the healing process of coping with the ramifications of the addiction.

We encourage people who are struggling with addiction to take time out for treatment. If you are seeking help for an intervention or want to help a loved one locate a treatment center, call us. We are here to help support you and your loved one with our excellent programs and resources. Call us today at 1-866-217-2636.

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5 Things to Avoid for a More Successful Addiction Intervention

When a person struggles with addiction, it is difficult to convince him or her to seek out addiction treatment unless that person is able to admit the need for help. Denial can be a strong defense mechanism for keeping addiction going. An intervention for substance abuse is planned carefully with the help of loved ones to support a person in seeking help for addiction. The process requires lots of planning and patience but, for some families, it is the last chance to get a loved one into treatment.

What Happens During Substance Abuse Interventions

Substance abuse interventions require planning over a period of time that includes strategies for intervening that will best support the loved one. It is good to be well informed prior to choosing an intervention specialist or an intervention approach. Before an actual intervention, a loved one should meet with a specialist to plan out details. This includes people who will attend, where it will be held, when and what will be said.

Once the intervention is planned, one or more members of the group will be responsible for getting a person with addiction to the prearranged meeting spot on time. The group will then be responsible for getting the person with addiction to sit down and listen as the individual takes turns telling him or her how the substance abuse is harming others around them.

finding a new purpose through addiction therapy

Some Things to Avoid

When conducting an intervention with a loved one, there are some things to avoid. It is a delicate situation and process which makes it necessary to consider how certain things may prompt the individual to turn down the offer of treatment or become more afraid of the process. Some of the things to consider avoiding include:

  • Being judgmental
  • Speaking with anger
  • Trying to shame or embarrass the person with addiction
  • Involving anyone who condones or participates in a person with addiction substance abuse
  • Holding an intervention when a loved one is actively using substances

Tips for Success

There are things to avoid during interventions for substance abuse and can make the process more successful. The following can be helpful to seek a more successful intervention:

  • Consult with an intervention specialist
  • Plan details of the intervention in advance
  • Speak calmly, with respect
  • Present factual information and examples
  • Make arrangements for loved one’s in treatment in advance of the intervention

Interventions are challenging for everyone involved. Taking the time to select the right intervention specialist and to plan out the process will help make it go more smoothly. When families plan interventions, difficult emotions may arise so it is important to consider how this will impact the intervention and work through the steps and how-to’s ahead of time. The goal is to help support the loved one with addiction in making a positive choice towards treatment. Through this goal, families can then begin the healing process of coping with the ramifications of the addiction.

We encourage people who are struggling with addiction to take time out for treatment. If you are seeking help for an intervention or want to help a loved one locate a treatment center, call us. We are here to help support you and your loved one with our excellent programs and resources. Call us today at 1-866-217-2636.

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