Humor is one of the greatest ways to combat brokenness in people’s lives. The better a person is at laughing, the easier it is to bridge the gap of difficult circumstances and find the silver lining. Human beings have the power to heal from illness and pain by learning to laugh. Learn some tips for building humor into one’s personal journey of healing.
Humor Combats Fear
Life can be a frightening place for some people more than others. It can bring anxiety, stress, depression, anger, and lots of other difficult emotions. Panic can set in that this is all there is. Humor is a great way to combat the fear that may rise up from time to time. Humor disengages fear because it changes a person’s perspective of the past, and of the present. Trauma loses its grip and the focus becomes on playfulness and seeing the past as not an anchor but a sail to move forward.
Humor Comforts
There is comfort in humor that provides healing. Humor has the power to bring joy which helps people know it is all okay. Parents who can help children hear laughter amidst difficult times build bridges of support for one another and healing. There is also comfort in laughter, expressing oneself by chuckling and grinning madly ear to ear that has a deeper psychological impact than any drug or substance known to man.
Humor Relaxes
Laughter is relaxing and works against chronic stress. The heart and body need time to heal and rest. Rejuvenation is good for the mind, body, and soul. It takes just a few moments of laughter to let the body relax and open up to possibilities.
Humor Reduces Pain
Psychologically and physically, a person can feel less pain if he or she is able to laugh. It may not be laughing at the situation, but finding humor in something funny a person said, a movie, or a book. Engaging in jokes can also be helpful and socially bonding.
Humor Boosts the Immune System
Whenever a person gets hurt or feels depressed, the immune system is depleted just a little bit more. Dwelling in misery will not do any good for the body but laughing can have positive effects on beta-endorphins (alleviates depression) and human growth hormone (helps build immunity).
Humor Cultivates Optimism
Humor is like gratitude in that it nurtures and nourishes optimism. Appreciation is first and one of the most fundamental happiness tools. Research now shows it is physiologically impossible to be in a state of appreciation and a state of fear at the same time. Appreciation really can be the antidote to fear.
Cypress Lake Recovery believes in the power of humor to heal and make positive, lasting change in recovery. If you are struggling and want to overcome difficult circumstances in your journey to sobriety, call us. We are here to help you discover tools that will help you move forward with a positive frame of mind.