Alcoholism often has determining factors. If you identify with any of these issues, you might be at risk for developing alcoholism, especially if you are already abusing alcohol. Help is available.

man holding a drink suffering from alcohol addictionAge Can Increase Likelihood Of Long Term Alcoholism

Research has found that the younger one starts experimenting with alcohol in an abusive way, the more likely they are to develop a full alcohol dependent problem into adulthood. Not all adolescents and teens who experiment with alcohol do so in extreme mannerisms. For those that started using alcohol as a way to cope, fit in, or escape, those patterns and associations in the mind, body, as well as spirit, can become permanent.

Mental Health Problems Create A Higher Risk For Alcoholism

Dual diagnosis is the term used to refer to a co-occurring diagnosis of alcohol use disorder, or addiction/alcoholism, in addition to a mental health disorder. Mental health disorders can include personality disorders, psychiatric disorders, or others. Sadly, most people who live with a mental health disorder are not aware of their condition and often live in difficulty. Likewise, there are many who live with a mental health disorder and are aware, but do not seek treatment. Most mental health disorders come with a high risk for developing alcohol use issues due to impulsivity, extreme emotions, and poor coping capabilities.

Environmental Factors Encourage Alcoholism

Growing up in an alcoholic home where a parent or sibling struggles with alcohol use disorder encourages the use of alcohol as a coping mechanism. In addition to alcohol being present in the home environment, when alcohol is a pressure in a social environment it can also encourage abuse. Peers, partners, or workplace pressure to drink can spark alcoholism and create a problem.

Genetic Predisposition Can Indicate Possibility Of Alcoholism

Parental DNA specifically is not the only contributing factor to inheriting a potential for alcoholism. Any member of a genetic family system who develops alcohol use disorder can create a greater likelihood for a member of a younger generation to adopt the gene. Genetic predisposition for alcoholism is typically one of two root causes for alcoholism in addition to co-occurring mental health disorders. Through a lifetime of poor coping skills, emotional pain, and alcohol abuse, other issues are developed.

Character And Personality Traits Can Create A Likelihood For Alcoholism

Thrill seeking, anxiety, depression, insecurity, and other personality traits have been identified as creating a high risk for developing an alcohol use disorder in life. Impulsivity, for example, can lead to senseless decisions regarding alcohol. Feelings of hopelessness or symptoms of depression can inspire alcohol abuse in order to feel better about life.

If you are struggling with alcoholism, you can find confidence in recovery. With professional detox and residential treatment, recovery from alcoholism can be achieved. At Cypress Lake Recovery we are providing a unique blend of holistic and therapeutic treatments for an integrative program of healing. Call us today for more information at 1-866-217-2636.

Are You At Risk For Developing Alcoholism?

Alcoholism often has determining factors. If you identify with any of these issues, you might be at risk for developing alcoholism, especially if you are already abusing alcohol. Help is available.

man holding a drink suffering from alcohol addictionAge Can Increase Likelihood Of Long Term Alcoholism

Research has found that the younger one starts experimenting with alcohol in an abusive way, the more likely they are to develop a full alcohol dependent problem into adulthood. Not all adolescents and teens who experiment with alcohol do so in extreme mannerisms. For those that started using alcohol as a way to cope, fit in, or escape, those patterns and associations in the mind, body, as well as spirit, can become permanent.

Mental Health Problems Create A Higher Risk For Alcoholism

Dual diagnosis is the term used to refer to a co-occurring diagnosis of alcohol use disorder, or addiction/alcoholism, in addition to a mental health disorder. Mental health disorders can include personality disorders, psychiatric disorders, or others. Sadly, most people who live with a mental health disorder are not aware of their condition and often live in difficulty. Likewise, there are many who live with a mental health disorder and are aware, but do not seek treatment. Most mental health disorders come with a high risk for developing alcohol use issues due to impulsivity, extreme emotions, and poor coping capabilities.

Environmental Factors Encourage Alcoholism

Growing up in an alcoholic home where a parent or sibling struggles with alcohol use disorder encourages the use of alcohol as a coping mechanism. In addition to alcohol being present in the home environment, when alcohol is a pressure in a social environment it can also encourage abuse. Peers, partners, or workplace pressure to drink can spark alcoholism and create a problem.

Genetic Predisposition Can Indicate Possibility Of Alcoholism

Parental DNA specifically is not the only contributing factor to inheriting a potential for alcoholism. Any member of a genetic family system who develops alcohol use disorder can create a greater likelihood for a member of a younger generation to adopt the gene. Genetic predisposition for alcoholism is typically one of two root causes for alcoholism in addition to co-occurring mental health disorders. Through a lifetime of poor coping skills, emotional pain, and alcohol abuse, other issues are developed.

Character And Personality Traits Can Create A Likelihood For Alcoholism

Thrill seeking, anxiety, depression, insecurity, and other personality traits have been identified as creating a high risk for developing an alcohol use disorder in life. Impulsivity, for example, can lead to senseless decisions regarding alcohol. Feelings of hopelessness or symptoms of depression can inspire alcohol abuse in order to feel better about life.

If you are struggling with alcoholism, you can find confidence in recovery. With professional detox and residential treatment, recovery from alcoholism can be achieved. At Cypress Lake Recovery we are providing a unique blend of holistic and therapeutic treatments for an integrative program of healing. Call us today for more information at 1-866-217-2636.

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