Author name: Cypress Lake Recovery

The Devastating Effects of Addiction and Addictive Behaviors

Addiction and addictive behaviors have devastating effects on the lives of people who suffer with the addiction as well as loved ones. Addiction leads to severe physical and mental health problems. Relationships with loved ones are negatively impacted. Drugs, alcohol, or addictive behaviors take priority over family and friends. Some people suffer from an addiction

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Setting Boundaries When a Loved One Comes Home from Treatment

Boundaries are vital to creating and maintaining healthy, sustainable relationships. Setting boundaries ensures mutual respect and helps to solidify relationships in a loving and supportive way. Be sure to follow through with any consequences for any unacceptable behavior set within those boundaries. A person with an addiction needs to heal, and so do their loved

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Methadone and Suboxone: Are Replacement Drugs Addictive?

Methadone is a medication used to treat addiction to opioids such as painkillers and heroin. Methadone helps lessen withdrawal symptoms from opioid abuse. The withdrawals are less intense and the methadone provides a more comfortable detox experience. It is designed for short-term use to slowly wean a person off opioids. Although methadone has been used

Methadone and Suboxone: Are Replacement Drugs Addictive? Read More »

The Harmful and Deadly Effects of Cocaine

Cocaine is a drug that is smoked, injected, or inhaled and immediately affects the brain. Neurotransmitters in the brain rapidly release dopamine, which causes pleasurable feelings. When levels of dopamine drop, withdrawal symptoms start. Unpleasant withdrawal symptoms lead the person to use cocaine again and more often. Cocaine is a highly addictive drug. A person

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