Author name: Cypress Lake Recovery

How Long is the Stay in Residential Treatment?

Depending on your needs, options, and severity of drug and alcohol use, you can stay short-term or long-term in a residential treatment facility. Every treatment is unique to each person’s situation. Addiction to drugs and alcohol affects all areas of a person’s life. Treatment is part of the recovery process that rehabilitates and prepares the

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Prescription Drugs and the Opioid Epidemic

Prescription drugs and opioids are used for pain management and are prescribed by a medical professional. Despite the intended use, many people misuse the medication and take more than directed. Prescription drugs and opioids can be very addictive, and for that reason, doctors and pharmacists emphasize the importance of taking the medication as prescribed. The

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Alcohol Addiction and its Effects on Depression

Depression is a debilitating mental health condition that affects all aspects of life. A person who suffers from depression will decline invitations to social events, family gatherings, and special occasions with friends. When an individual has depression, he or she disengages in things that were fun, interesting, and enjoyable. Depression deteriorates relationships and distorts a

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