Sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, despair, melancholy- low feelings and low energy are common during low times. Many people mistake normal for abnormal and vice versa. Depression is overlooked by millions of people who are unaware they are living with the struggle of it.

depressed woman finally want to a therapist

Depression Doesn’t Happen That Often

According to the World Health Organization, over 300 million people are suffering from depression around the world, which equates to about 5 percent. In the last two years, the prevalence of depression has increased by 50%. Depression happens as a diagnosable mental health condition as well as a passing phase, for example, in reaction to grief and loss. Almost half of adults in the US experienced depression in 2015. Genetic predisposition makes depression a higher likelihood for anyone born to parents who have had depression or another mental health disorder. Children born into immediate genetic histories of depression and other mental health disorders are 4-5 times more likely to develop a mental health disorder as well.

Depression Is Only Characterized By Sadness

New research reported on by Big Think has found that depression might actually have four distinct types, characterized by different symptoms. One type includes anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue. The second type includes exhaustion and low energy. For the third type, there is “an inability to feel pleasure as well as slowed movements and speech,” the article cites. Lastly, the fourth type combines anxiety and insomnia and addition to an inability to feel pleasure. Each person experiences their depression in a different way.

Depression Renders Someone Helpless

Sometimes, depression is expressed through hyperactivity and anger rather than being sedentary and quiet. “High-functioning depression” is a controversial term which applies to one’s ability to continue living life and fulfilling their abilities while battling severe depression. Inspired to act against their pervasive emotions and urges they work against their feelings. One type of depression has been described as “smiling depression” in which one acts as though everything is normal and lives a “normal” life while keeping their emotional pain and struggles a secret.
We’ve been through depression. We understand what you’re going through. If you are in need of help, call Cypress Lake Recovery today for information on our treatment programs for depression and depression which is a dual diagnosis with other conditions. Restoration is possible through an integrative treatment program which takes a unique approach to bringing holistic and therapeutic modalities together. For more information, call us today.

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Don’t Doubt Depression

Sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, despair, melancholy- low feelings and low energy are common during low times. Many people mistake normal for abnormal and vice versa. Depression is overlooked by millions of people who are unaware they are living with the struggle of it.

depressed woman finally want to a therapist

Depression Doesn’t Happen That Often

According to the World Health Organization, over 300 million people are suffering from depression around the world, which equates to about 5 percent. In the last two years, the prevalence of depression has increased by 50%. Depression happens as a diagnosable mental health condition as well as a passing phase, for example, in reaction to grief and loss. Almost half of adults in the US experienced depression in 2015. Genetic predisposition makes depression a higher likelihood for anyone born to parents who have had depression or another mental health disorder. Children born into immediate genetic histories of depression and other mental health disorders are 4-5 times more likely to develop a mental health disorder as well.

Depression Is Only Characterized By Sadness

New research reported on by Big Think has found that depression might actually have four distinct types, characterized by different symptoms. One type includes anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue. The second type includes exhaustion and low energy. For the third type, there is “an inability to feel pleasure as well as slowed movements and speech,” the article cites. Lastly, the fourth type combines anxiety and insomnia and addition to an inability to feel pleasure. Each person experiences their depression in a different way.

Depression Renders Someone Helpless

Sometimes, depression is expressed through hyperactivity and anger rather than being sedentary and quiet. “High-functioning depression” is a controversial term which applies to one’s ability to continue living life and fulfilling their abilities while battling severe depression. Inspired to act against their pervasive emotions and urges they work against their feelings. One type of depression has been described as “smiling depression” in which one acts as though everything is normal and lives a “normal” life while keeping their emotional pain and struggles a secret.
We’ve been through depression. We understand what you’re going through. If you are in need of help, call Cypress Lake Recovery today for information on our treatment programs for depression and depression which is a dual diagnosis with other conditions. Restoration is possible through an integrative treatment program which takes a unique approach to bringing holistic and therapeutic modalities together. For more information, call us today.

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