Drug Addiction

The Danger of Mixing Benzodiazepines with Alcohol

Getting life-saving treatment Prescription and over-the-counter medications usually have a warning label indicating the harmful effects they have when mixed with other medications or alcohol. Benzos are safe and effective when taken appropriately or as prescribed. Mixing benzos with alcohol might make a person engage in more anti-social behaviors and become aggressive, hostile, and irritabile.

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Health Complications Associated with Alcohol Abuse

How alcohol affects mental health Some people drink alcohol to cope with stress. Alcohol is a depressant and can elevate symptoms of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and emotional distress. Sometimes people have an underlying mental health disorder, which must be treated simultaneously with alcohol abuse or addiction as a dual diagnosis. The effects of

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DXM: The Addictive Ingredient in Cough Medicine

Dextromethorphan (DXM) is an active ingredient found in most cough medicines and is used as a cough suppressant. DXM is a legal drug that can be purchased by anyone, including preteens in most states. Over-the-counter medications, such as Vicks, Robitussin, and NyQuil contain DXM and are used to relieve a cold-related cough. Misusing medications containing

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Is There a Difference Between Addiction and Dependence?

There is a difference between addiction and dependence to drugs or alcohol. Addiction is a behavior that continues despite any harmful consequences. Drug or alcohol misuse can lead to serious physical and mental health problems. It can cause heart attack, liver failure, seizures, ulcers, hallucinations, psychosis, overdose, and early death. The substances take the brain

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Why Mindfulness is Important in Addiction Recovery

Holistic addiction treatment encompasses the mind, body, and soul. The focus on mindfulness encourages patients to fully engage in treatment and be in the right mindset. Mindfulness is being present, aware, and participating consciously in your experiences as they happen. Since drugs and alcohol alter the way a brain functions, a person cannot practice mindfulness

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