Upset teen girl sitting on floor near bed using smartphone at home, teenagers and gadget addictionMost people have cell phones with unlimited availability to the Internet. There are dozens of social media websites and apps that can be downloaded to cell phones. Social media allows a person to accept requests from followers or friends, which provides access to the person’s profile, photos, and posts. Excessive social media use is comparable to an addiction.  

Social media allows people to stay connected with family and friends. Unfortunately, it is also a way for those who use social media to become a target of online bullying. When a teen is addicted to social media, his or her homework, real-life social interactions, and self-esteem can be impacted.

According to Dar Meshi, lead author and assistant professor at Michigan State University, “With so many people around the world using social media, it’s critical for us to understand its use,” Meshi said. Social media has many benefits, “but there’s also a dark side when people can’t pull themselves away. We need to better understand this drive so we can determine if excessive social media use should be considered an addiction.”

Negative effects of social media use:

  • Provides easy access to pornography
  • Makes a person distracted or isolated
  • Bullying, this leads to low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression
  • Sending and/or receiving nude pictures

If your teen is unable to enjoy time spent with family or friends without sharing it on social media, he or she may have a social media addiction. A teen should be engaged with family and friends who participate in healthy and positive activities. If your teen spends all his or her free time on social media, he or she may be struggling with a social media addiction.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction or an addictive behavior, do not wait. Get help now. Treatment can be tailored to your unique needs. Addiction is isolating. There is no cure for addiction, but treatment is available and there is hope in recovery. Call and talk to an intake specialist today.

Cypress Lake Recovery specializes in addiction treatment and is located in a serene, remote, lush-green, oxygen enriched environment. The program encompasses holistic addiction therapy and offers yoga and meditation for the mind, body, and soul. The focus is on physical, mental, and emotional well-being by generating the balance of life-enriching treatment, wellness, and healthy, sober, sustainable relationships. Call us to get started: 409-331-2204

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Excessive Social Media Use and Addiction

Upset teen girl sitting on floor near bed using smartphone at home, teenagers and gadget addictionMost people have cell phones with unlimited availability to the Internet. There are dozens of social media websites and apps that can be downloaded to cell phones. Social media allows a person to accept requests from followers or friends, which provides access to the person's profile, photos, and posts. Excessive social media use is comparable to an addiction.  

Social media allows people to stay connected with family and friends. Unfortunately, it is also a way for those who use social media to become a target of online bullying. When a teen is addicted to social media, his or her homework, real-life social interactions, and self-esteem can be impacted.

According to Dar Meshi, lead author and assistant professor at Michigan State University, “With so many people around the world using social media, it’s critical for us to understand its use,” Meshi said. Social media has many benefits, "but there’s also a dark side when people can’t pull themselves away. We need to better understand this drive so we can determine if excessive social media use should be considered an addiction.”

Negative effects of social media use:

  • Provides easy access to pornography
  • Makes a person distracted or isolated
  • Bullying, this leads to low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression
  • Sending and/or receiving nude pictures

If your teen is unable to enjoy time spent with family or friends without sharing it on social media, he or she may have a social media addiction. A teen should be engaged with family and friends who participate in healthy and positive activities. If your teen spends all his or her free time on social media, he or she may be struggling with a social media addiction.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction or an addictive behavior, do not wait. Get help now. Treatment can be tailored to your unique needs. Addiction is isolating. There is no cure for addiction, but treatment is available and there is hope in recovery. Call and talk to an intake specialist today.

Cypress Lake Recovery specializes in addiction treatment and is located in a serene, remote, lush-green, oxygen enriched environment. The program encompasses holistic addiction therapy and offers yoga and meditation for the mind, body, and soul. The focus is on physical, mental, and emotional well-being by generating the balance of life-enriching treatment, wellness, and healthy, sober, sustainable relationships. Call us to get started: 409-331-2204

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