Yes, it is possible to overdose on OxyContin, or rather on oxycodone, which is the main ingredient in the drug. However, the amount it takes to overdose varies depending on the individual, and their tolerance to opiates.

People have been known to take too much OxyContin on purpose to achieve a euphoric high, and this can lead to an overdose. It is especially risky for those people who haven’t had much exposure to OxyContin previously. OxyContin should only be taken swallowed as a whole pill, and only in the doses as prescribed. Overdose is much more likely when you chew, crush, snort or inject OxyContin pills.

man overdosing on drugs and just fallen dangerouslyHow Much OxyContin Is Too Much?

How much OxyContin can you take at once?  One every 12 hours.  Safe dosing levels of OxyContin depend on the strength of OxyContin you’ve been prescribed. To be safe, one shouldn’t take more than one single dose of 40 mg or more than a total of 80 mg a day.

Signs And Symptoms Of OxyContin Overdose

Because an OxyContin overdose can be fatal, it is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of overdose when they occur. The key to surviving an overdose is early intervention. OxyContin overdose signs and symptoms include:

  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Drowsiness
  • Limp muscles
  • Stomach spasms
  • Nausea
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Weak pulse
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slowed, shallow, or stopped breathing
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death

What To Do

If you observe any of the signs and symptoms of OxyContin overdose you should call 911 immediately. In the meantime, you can help the person who is overdosing in the following ways:

  • Monitoring the person’s condition
  • Keeping the person as awake and alert if possible.
  • Administering naloxone if possible, a drug that can reverse the effects of an overdose.
  • Attempting to keep the person sitting up to avoid choking on vomit.
  • Laying the person on his or her side if they are unconscious.
  • Gathering information for emergency personnel if you can, such as which drug was consumed, and in what quantity.

An overdose can be fatal, but most people survive with proper medical intervention. However, some people may be left with long-term complications, such as:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Permanent brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain for a significant period of time.
  • Muscle damage due to lying on a hard surface for too long.

At Cypress Lake Recovery, we believe in recovery from the use of prescription drugs by opting for integrative treatments to address chronic pain, anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions that inhibit a healthy and productive lifestyle. Addiction is serious, and recovery is only a phone call away. Call Cypress Lake Recovery today to find out more.

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How an Overdose on OxyContin Happens and What to Do About It

Yes, it is possible to overdose on OxyContin, or rather on oxycodone, which is the main ingredient in the drug. However, the amount it takes to overdose varies depending on the individual, and their tolerance to opiates.

People have been known to take too much OxyContin on purpose to achieve a euphoric high, and this can lead to an overdose. It is especially risky for those people who haven’t had much exposure to OxyContin previously. OxyContin should only be taken swallowed as a whole pill, and only in the doses as prescribed. Overdose is much more likely when you chew, crush, snort or inject OxyContin pills.

man overdosing on drugs and just fallen dangerouslyHow Much OxyContin Is Too Much?

How much OxyContin can you take at once?  One every 12 hours.  Safe dosing levels of OxyContin depend on the strength of OxyContin you’ve been prescribed. To be safe, one shouldn’t take more than one single dose of 40 mg or more than a total of 80 mg a day.

Signs And Symptoms Of OxyContin Overdose

Because an OxyContin overdose can be fatal, it is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of overdose when they occur. The key to surviving an overdose is early intervention. OxyContin overdose signs and symptoms include:

  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Drowsiness
  • Limp muscles
  • Stomach spasms
  • Nausea
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Weak pulse
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slowed, shallow, or stopped breathing
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death

What To Do

If you observe any of the signs and symptoms of OxyContin overdose you should call 911 immediately. In the meantime, you can help the person who is overdosing in the following ways:

  • Monitoring the person's condition
  • Keeping the person as awake and alert if possible.
  • Administering naloxone if possible, a drug that can reverse the effects of an overdose.
  • Attempting to keep the person sitting up to avoid choking on vomit.
  • Laying the person on his or her side if they are unconscious.
  • Gathering information for emergency personnel if you can, such as which drug was consumed, and in what quantity.

An overdose can be fatal, but most people survive with proper medical intervention. However, some people may be left with long-term complications, such as:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Permanent brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain for a significant period of time.
  • Muscle damage due to lying on a hard surface for too long.

At Cypress Lake Recovery, we believe in recovery from the use of prescription drugs by opting for integrative treatments to address chronic pain, anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions that inhibit a healthy and productive lifestyle. Addiction is serious, and recovery is only a phone call away. Call Cypress Lake Recovery today to find out more.

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