A codependent relationship can be difficult to extricate oneself from, with all the worrying, anxiety, and frustrations it can bring. Toxic relationships are one of the biggest challenges for a person to break free from but it helps to have a few tips to get started.

The Power to Change

Being in a relationship with a loved one who has addiction, it is difficult to avoid mental and physical stress. The constant ups and downs can have people behaving in overly passive or caretaking ways that otherwise would not occur. Eventually a person might find that placing a lower priority on one’s own needs while being preoccupied with the needs of a loved one with addiction can be taxing. This is called codependency, an unhealthy form of love that harms relationships. The power to change things lies within each person. As it changes, this provides the best option and opportunity to encourage positive changes for the loved one with addiction.

getting out of a toxic relationship

Four Steps

The following four steps are a starting point to help guide individuals through the process of breaking free from a codependent relationship.

Take Ownership

Addiction affects the whole family. This is because the entire household takes on unhealthy behaviors. How parents enable children is similar to how spouses and partners also enable loved ones. Failing to set healthy boundaries can lead to enabling which will only make it easier to continue moving forward in addiction. Setting healthy boundaries is done out of love and making a stand for the sake of everyone.

Let Go

Detach from the problems of addiction by learning to love without getting sucked into the storm of addiction with them. Learning to rise above the clouds and serve as a beacon of light and hope can be very helpful in building a healthy relationship.

Change Focus

When a codependent relationship occurs, it takes all a person’s energy and focus. Self care goes out the window and the only real control is over one’s own behaviors but that seems hard to manage in the midst of everything. Make a plan for positive self-focused change and follow through.

Reach Out

Don’t downplay the importance of reaching out for help. Al-Anon, support groups, and other places can offer help for families on a recovery journey with a loved one. There is hope and strength in numbers.

Growing in a new direction will build confidence and support for emotional detachment from addiction. It will be easier to live a life that feels full and healthy while focusing on a positive future.

Cypress Lakes knows recovery can be hard which is why we provide space for you to discern how to move forward in healthy relationships in recovery. Don’t hesitate to call us. We are here to help you find the solution to your addiction and design a program that will help you move forward. Call us to find out how we can help you get started on the journey. 866-217-2636

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How to Break Free of a Codependent Relationship

A codependent relationship can be difficult to extricate oneself from, with all the worrying, anxiety, and frustrations it can bring. Toxic relationships are one of the biggest challenges for a person to break free from but it helps to have a few tips to get started.

The Power to Change

Being in a relationship with a loved one who has addiction, it is difficult to avoid mental and physical stress. The constant ups and downs can have people behaving in overly passive or caretaking ways that otherwise would not occur. Eventually a person might find that placing a lower priority on one’s own needs while being preoccupied with the needs of a loved one with addiction can be taxing. This is called codependency, an unhealthy form of love that harms relationships. The power to change things lies within each person. As it changes, this provides the best option and opportunity to encourage positive changes for the loved one with addiction.

getting out of a toxic relationship

Four Steps

The following four steps are a starting point to help guide individuals through the process of breaking free from a codependent relationship.

Take Ownership

Addiction affects the whole family. This is because the entire household takes on unhealthy behaviors. How parents enable children is similar to how spouses and partners also enable loved ones. Failing to set healthy boundaries can lead to enabling which will only make it easier to continue moving forward in addiction. Setting healthy boundaries is done out of love and making a stand for the sake of everyone.

Let Go

Detach from the problems of addiction by learning to love without getting sucked into the storm of addiction with them. Learning to rise above the clouds and serve as a beacon of light and hope can be very helpful in building a healthy relationship.

Change Focus

When a codependent relationship occurs, it takes all a person’s energy and focus. Self care goes out the window and the only real control is over one’s own behaviors but that seems hard to manage in the midst of everything. Make a plan for positive self-focused change and follow through.

Reach Out

Don’t downplay the importance of reaching out for help. Al-Anon, support groups, and other places can offer help for families on a recovery journey with a loved one. There is hope and strength in numbers.

Growing in a new direction will build confidence and support for emotional detachment from addiction. It will be easier to live a life that feels full and healthy while focusing on a positive future.

Cypress Lakes knows recovery can be hard which is why we provide space for you to discern how to move forward in healthy relationships in recovery. Don’t hesitate to call us. We are here to help you find the solution to your addiction and design a program that will help you move forward. Call us to find out how we can help you get started on the journey. 866-217-2636

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