One of the first steps people often take in addiction recovery is admitting a problem exists. This may sound cliche but it is really the only way to get one foot in front of the other and start moving forward. There is so much truth in it, which is why it has worked for so many people. It is true, also, that this will likely be the hardest step of the process.
What Seems Obvious
When loved ones look at a person with addiction, it can be easy to recognize signs and symptoms of a problem that has been ongoing for quite some time. The challenge is what seems obvious to some people may be less so or may even go unnoticed to the person living with addiction. Everyone may be seeming to blow drug or alcohol use out of proportion when that person is just out to have fun, a good time, and enjoy life a little bit. There is nothing wrong with that, in the person’s mind. Denial may have set in that a real problem exists that is creating a crisis for that person which makes it harder to face reality and get moving in the right direction.
Making an Escape
The challenge of realizing and admitting a problem with addiction exists is to push past one’s own barriers. The addiction mindset is full of excuses, fueled by a sense that it is all about the individual person and nobody else is affected. Temporarily relief may come from using drugs or alcohol, among other things, but that only lasts a short time before reality sets in. Addictive behavior most likely stops when other people intervene to say there is a problem and everyone is suffering but getting help can only be done because the person wants to change themselves for that person, not others.
The Lies Have Lies
Self respect goes out the window and down the street with addiction. Life purpose, healthy mind, body, and spirit connections all disappear in favor of chasing the next fix. By the time drug addiction reaches this point, pain has become so great it is likely greater than the trauma or pain of what the person was trying to escape from in the first place. Humiliation and fear may be two dominating emotions when thinking about letting go of addiction, plus the mind and body will lie and say the only way to feel better is to use drugs or alcohol. The lies keep building until it becomes unsustainable.
Nobody wants to admit that addiction has taken over their life. Taking responsibility for one’s actions can feel scary and intimidating. Treatment for addiction centers on facing one’s problems to build solutions and see new possibilities. It is never too late and rehab can work wonders when people take that first step–admit there is a problem, then move forward from there.
Cypress Lake wants you to succeed for yourself. That is why we provide a place of rest for your mind, body, and spirit to reconnect with each others and find harmony again. The only way you will knit your life back together is through carefully piecing it together one by one, one day at a time. We will help you get there. Call us to get started.