girl having trouble sleeping because of depressionNapping is a symptom of depression. Depression is known to cause lethargy, exhaustion, fatigue, lack of motivation. When it feels like there is no possible way to continue on with any hope of energy, napping becomes the answer. However, napping in depression can be problematic. Some describe napping in depression to be a frustrating experience. Napping can also be a form of escape. For example, people with ADHD can feel very sleepy and say they need to take a nap before taking on a challenging task. In addition to the very real symptoms of physical depression, napping could be a way to cope with the also very real psychological symptoms of depression. Feeling sleepy, feeling tired, and feeling exhausted chronically can be frustrating experiences. Instead of coping with them or trying to overcome them- which, for anyone who has suffered with depression knows, can feel like an impossible task- they choose to take a long, deep nap. Perhaps with the hope that the depression will have shifted when they wake up or perhaps with a lack of caring if it does or not, they sleep.

Sleeping for long periods of time from bedtime to waking up, then taking multiple extended naps during the day, can be damaging to physical and mental health. Weight loss, or weight gain, can result from a lack of exercise and too much sleep. The pattern of napping and sleep can also have an affect on the ability to fulfil life responsibilities. Being too exhausted from depression to take care of life responsibilities, then feeling depressed about having so many life responsibilities which cannot be taken care of, leads to a deep desire to sleep. The cycle continues on, making the depression feel inescapable.

Treatment for depression needs to focus on the mind and the body, as well as the spirit. A holistic approach to treating depression, as well as any co-occurring disorders like substance abuse, will help the body create the healing and energy it needs to carry recovery.

Cypress Lake Recovery offers a treatment program for depression and co-occurring disorders which works through three phases of treating mind, body, and spirit. Our residential treatment programs are designed to rejuvenate, restore balance, and help clients find confidence. We provide excellence in addiction treatment. For information, call us today.

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Napping For Self-Care Could Be A Sign Of Depression

girl having trouble sleeping because of depressionNapping is a symptom of depression. Depression is known to cause lethargy, exhaustion, fatigue, lack of motivation. When it feels like there is no possible way to continue on with any hope of energy, napping becomes the answer. However, napping in depression can be problematic. Some describe napping in depression to be a frustrating experience. Napping can also be a form of escape. For example, people with ADHD can feel very sleepy and say they need to take a nap before taking on a challenging task. In addition to the very real symptoms of physical depression, napping could be a way to cope with the also very real psychological symptoms of depression. Feeling sleepy, feeling tired, and feeling exhausted chronically can be frustrating experiences. Instead of coping with them or trying to overcome them- which, for anyone who has suffered with depression knows, can feel like an impossible task- they choose to take a long, deep nap. Perhaps with the hope that the depression will have shifted when they wake up or perhaps with a lack of caring if it does or not, they sleep.

Sleeping for long periods of time from bedtime to waking up, then taking multiple extended naps during the day, can be damaging to physical and mental health. Weight loss, or weight gain, can result from a lack of exercise and too much sleep. The pattern of napping and sleep can also have an affect on the ability to fulfil life responsibilities. Being too exhausted from depression to take care of life responsibilities, then feeling depressed about having so many life responsibilities which cannot be taken care of, leads to a deep desire to sleep. The cycle continues on, making the depression feel inescapable.

Treatment for depression needs to focus on the mind and the body, as well as the spirit. A holistic approach to treating depression, as well as any co-occurring disorders like substance abuse, will help the body create the healing and energy it needs to carry recovery.

Cypress Lake Recovery offers a treatment program for depression and co-occurring disorders which works through three phases of treating mind, body, and spirit. Our residential treatment programs are designed to rejuvenate, restore balance, and help clients find confidence. We provide excellence in addiction treatment. For information, call us today.

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