A person who experiences trauma at any age might turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. Some trauma can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and put a person at risk of developing a drug or alcohol addiction. Traumatic events can bring back painful memories or flashbacks, so people with PTSD often turn to drugs or alcohol to escape reality.

Childhood trauma can lead to drug or alcohol addiction in adolescence or adulthood. Sexual, physical, emotional, and mental abuses are very traumatic and can impair a child’s development. Fear, bad memories, and safety are some reasons why childhood trauma victims turn to drugs or alcohol.

A teenager with childhood trauma is at greater risk of developing an addiction or addictive behavior. Teens often engage in risky, impulsive, or dangerous behavior and are influenced by peer pressure to try addictive substances. A teen with a traumatic history is prone to use drugs or alcohol to relieve painful memories of his or her childhood abuse or trauma.

child affected by her parent substance abuse problems now have a trauma and needs therapy

Reasons why childhood trauma can lead to drug and alcohol abuse:

  • People with childhood trauma abuse drugs and alcohol to escape the memories of their trauma and suppress any thoughts that lead to reminiscing about the event.
  • Drugs and alcohol change the brain’s function and cause the neurotransmitters to release high levels of dopamine. The dopamine gives the person a temporary pleasurable effect.
  • People who experience childhood trauma can feel safe when they abuse drugs or alcohol because their moods, emotions, and feelings change. They can feel safe now as opposed to the vulnerable child they once were.
  • Sometimes people with childhood trauma turn to drugs or alcohol to relieve stress and anxiety. Substance abuse can actually contribute to more stress and anxiety.
  • Childhood trauma might have affected the person’s social relationships as a child. Using drugs or alcohol can make a person feel more social.

If you or your loved one suffers from childhood trauma and addiction, you are not alone. Cypress Lake Recovery specializes in treatment for mental health conditions and substance addiction, which encompasses healing for the mind, body, and soul. The compassionate staff at Cypress Lake Recovery is committed to the overall health of every client. You do not need drugs or alcohol to cope. Get help today.

Cypress Lake Recovery offers treatment for substance addiction, addictive behavior, dual diagnosis, and mental health conditions in a serene, remote, lush-green environment. The program encompasses holistic addiction therapy for the mind, body, and soul. The focus is on physical, mental, and emotional well-being by generating the balance of life-enriching treatment, wellness, and healthy sober relationships that are sustainable. Call us to get started: 866-217-2636

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Reasons Why Childhood Trauma Leads to Substance Abuse

A person who experiences trauma at any age might turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. Some trauma can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and put a person at risk of developing a drug or alcohol addiction. Traumatic events can bring back painful memories or flashbacks, so people with PTSD often turn to drugs or alcohol to escape reality.

Childhood trauma can lead to drug or alcohol addiction in adolescence or adulthood. Sexual, physical, emotional, and mental abuses are very traumatic and can impair a child's development. Fear, bad memories, and safety are some reasons why childhood trauma victims turn to drugs or alcohol.

A teenager with childhood trauma is at greater risk of developing an addiction or addictive behavior. Teens often engage in risky, impulsive, or dangerous behavior and are influenced by peer pressure to try addictive substances. A teen with a traumatic history is prone to use drugs or alcohol to relieve painful memories of his or her childhood abuse or trauma.

child affected by her parent substance abuse problems now have a trauma and needs therapy

Reasons why childhood trauma can lead to drug and alcohol abuse:

  • People with childhood trauma abuse drugs and alcohol to escape the memories of their trauma and suppress any thoughts that lead to reminiscing about the event.
  • Drugs and alcohol change the brain's function and cause the neurotransmitters to release high levels of dopamine. The dopamine gives the person a temporary pleasurable effect.
  • People who experience childhood trauma can feel safe when they abuse drugs or alcohol because their moods, emotions, and feelings change. They can feel safe now as opposed to the vulnerable child they once were.
  • Sometimes people with childhood trauma turn to drugs or alcohol to relieve stress and anxiety. Substance abuse can actually contribute to more stress and anxiety.
  • Childhood trauma might have affected the person's social relationships as a child. Using drugs or alcohol can make a person feel more social.

If you or your loved one suffers from childhood trauma and addiction, you are not alone. Cypress Lake Recovery specializes in treatment for mental health conditions and substance addiction, which encompasses healing for the mind, body, and soul. The compassionate staff at Cypress Lake Recovery is committed to the overall health of every client. You do not need drugs or alcohol to cope. Get help today.

Cypress Lake Recovery offers treatment for substance addiction, addictive behavior, dual diagnosis, and mental health conditions in a serene, remote, lush-green environment. The program encompasses holistic addiction therapy for the mind, body, and soul. The focus is on physical, mental, and emotional well-being by generating the balance of life-enriching treatment, wellness, and healthy sober relationships that are sustainable. Call us to get started: 866-217-2636

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