Physical dependence and addiction are different but each lends itself to the other. While dependence is closely related to the body’s need for more cocaine, the addictive properties of cocaine can create cravings which may lead to full blown addiction where the body and brain need the drug to function. Learn more about the signs and symptoms of addiction and how to seek help if a loved one is struggling to quit cocaine.

Physical Signs of Addiction

Physical signs of addiction to cocaine can include withdrawal symptoms which comes from lowering the dosage or stopping use of a drug. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms may be latent including agitation, anxiety, distress, inability to focus, confusion or poor balance. Withdrawal symptoms may last from 1-3 weeks. Some of the most common signs which indicate withdrawal include:

  • Agitation and restless behavior
  • Alternating low and high drug cravings
  • Depressed mood and apathy
  • Disorientation
  • Fatigue
  • Hunger
  • Increased appetite
  • Irritability
  • Long periods of sleep with unpleasant dreams
  • Low to high anxiety
  • Paranoia

Cravings and depression may occur when a person goes through withdrawal from cocaine but may last for months following cessation of long-term heavy use. Some people also experience suicidal thoughts.

woman with addiction problem having individual therapy sessions with therapist

Treatment of Symptoms

At least half of people with addiction to cocaine have been diagnosed with other mental disorders, including depression and attention-deficit disorder. All prescription drug use should be carefully monitored. Symptoms of cocaine dependence or addiction typically appear over time. Presently, there are no effective medications for reduction of cravings. People who go through cocaine withdrawal often use alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics or anti-anxiety medications to treat symptoms. Use of the drugs is not recommended as it may shift addiction from one substance to another.

Addiction and dependence are signs that a person is struggling under the weight of drug use. Cocaine is highly addictive and can be difficult to quit without the right support or help. A treatment facility and trained addiction specialists are often able to help an individual find his or her way back to the pathway of recovery. The path starts with acknowledging the need for help, then being willing to accept assistance. Nobody can get better from addiction except the person addicted, so take the time to find support and make the decision to get started on the road to healing.

At Cypress Lake Recovery, holistic and integrative theories are incorporated into individual treatment programs. We bring therapeutic treatment alongside holistic practices to provide effective programs for individuals with addiction. Call us today for more information.

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Signs and Symptoms of Physical Addiction to Cocaine

Physical dependence and addiction are different but each lends itself to the other. While dependence is closely related to the body’s need for more cocaine, the addictive properties of cocaine can create cravings which may lead to full blown addiction where the body and brain need the drug to function. Learn more about the signs and symptoms of addiction and how to seek help if a loved one is struggling to quit cocaine.

Physical Signs of Addiction

Physical signs of addiction to cocaine can include withdrawal symptoms which comes from lowering the dosage or stopping use of a drug. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms may be latent including agitation, anxiety, distress, inability to focus, confusion or poor balance. Withdrawal symptoms may last from 1-3 weeks. Some of the most common signs which indicate withdrawal include:

  • Agitation and restless behavior
  • Alternating low and high drug cravings
  • Depressed mood and apathy
  • Disorientation
  • Fatigue
  • Hunger
  • Increased appetite
  • Irritability
  • Long periods of sleep with unpleasant dreams
  • Low to high anxiety
  • Paranoia

Cravings and depression may occur when a person goes through withdrawal from cocaine but may last for months following cessation of long-term heavy use. Some people also experience suicidal thoughts.

woman with addiction problem having individual therapy sessions with therapist

Treatment of Symptoms

At least half of people with addiction to cocaine have been diagnosed with other mental disorders, including depression and attention-deficit disorder. All prescription drug use should be carefully monitored. Symptoms of cocaine dependence or addiction typically appear over time. Presently, there are no effective medications for reduction of cravings. People who go through cocaine withdrawal often use alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics or anti-anxiety medications to treat symptoms. Use of the drugs is not recommended as it may shift addiction from one substance to another.

Addiction and dependence are signs that a person is struggling under the weight of drug use. Cocaine is highly addictive and can be difficult to quit without the right support or help. A treatment facility and trained addiction specialists are often able to help an individual find his or her way back to the pathway of recovery. The path starts with acknowledging the need for help, then being willing to accept assistance. Nobody can get better from addiction except the person addicted, so take the time to find support and make the decision to get started on the road to healing.

At Cypress Lake Recovery, holistic and integrative theories are incorporated into individual treatment programs. We bring therapeutic treatment alongside holistic practices to provide effective programs for individuals with addiction. Call us today for more information.

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