Do you or someone you know have an Adderall addiction? If you’ve never heard of Adderall or you’re wondering what Adderall is, you should know that it’s a medication typically used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It combines amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which means it’s a stimulant. When used correctly, it can help with daytime sleepiness and mental focus and improve someone’s attention span. When misused or without a doctor’s supervision, taking Adderall can lead to dependency. Let’s look at some signs and symptoms of Adderall addiction and how to help someone stop taking Adderall and recover.

What is Adderall addiction?

When Adderall is used under a doctor’s supervision and dosage requirements are adhered to, it is a safe and effective medication. However, some people misuse Adderall because of its ability to increase focus and attention span, which can improve productivity. For example, a college student may take more Adderall than recommended to study all night for a test or finish a project. An individual in a highly competitive job with a large workload may take Adderall to help them work longer or faster to receive better performance reviews or larger bonuses or to make it more likely to receive a promotion.

Unfortunately, these scenarios and similar scenarios can lead to addiction, defined as a dependency on a substance. When someone is physically and mentally dependent on Adderall, they may experience certain side effects that include:

  • An increase in exhaustion or fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating and having trouble with memory
  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Having trouble sleeping or insomnia
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Mood swings, including irritability and feeling anxious

What are some of the potential physical and mental side effects of Adderall?

Adderall can help people feel calmer and stay focused. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t without side effects. Individuals who take Adderall as prescribed as well as those who take it for off-label uses or suffer from dependency may experience certain side Adderall effects, including:

  • Changes in vision
  • Decreased appetite and weight loss
  • Feelings of nervousness and restlessness
  • Hoarseness and dry mouth
  • Increased heart rate
  • Problems getting to sleep and staying asleep
  • Slow speech
  • Stomach aches

What are the warning signs of Adderall addiction?

It’s important to note that someone experiencing side effects from taking Adderall may not suffer from Adderall abuse or experience addiction. However, since Adderall is a Schedule II controlled substance, it has a high potential for misuse and addiction. Signs of Adderall addiction include:

  • Appearing disoriented
  • Displaying unusual or uncharacteristic excitability
  • Eating less, loss of appetite and/or weight loss
  • Exhibiting secretive behavior or socially withdrawing
  • Experiencing a decline in personal hygiene or looking unkempt
  • Experiencing financial difficulties due to spending lots of money on Adderall
  • Seeming preoccupied with being more productive or getting more done
  • Taking more Adderall than was prescribed by a doctor or taking Adderall without a prescription
  • Repeatedly running out of Adderall earlier than listed on their prescription

If you notice any of these Adderall addiction signs, the individual may need help stopping their use and recovering from their dependency. The good news is that help is available at places like Cypress Lake Recovery in Woodville, Texas.

What should someone, who has an Adderall addiction, do to get help and recover?

If you or one of your family members displays Adderall addiction signs, they can get help. At Cypress Lake Recovery offers a comprehensive treatment program for Adderall abuse at our residential treatment center. Our treatments and therapy options include counseling, detox, art and music therapy, writing therapy, equine therapy, and recovery planning. We even offer family therapy to help everyone in the family heal and recover from the Adderall addiction and its far-reaching effects.

To learn more about how we can help you or your family member, who is showing symptoms of Adderall abuse, recover, give us a call today at 409-407-5665.

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Signs of Adderall Addiction

Do you or someone you know have an Adderall addiction? If you’ve never heard of Adderall or you’re wondering what Adderall is, you should know that it’s a medication typically used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It combines amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which means it's a stimulant. When used correctly, it can help with daytime sleepiness and mental focus and improve someone’s attention span. When misused or without a doctor’s supervision, taking Adderall can lead to dependency. Let’s look at some signs and symptoms of Adderall addiction and how to help someone stop taking Adderall and recover.

What is Adderall addiction?

When Adderall is used under a doctor’s supervision and dosage requirements are adhered to, it is a safe and effective medication. However, some people misuse Adderall because of its ability to increase focus and attention span, which can improve productivity. For example, a college student may take more Adderall than recommended to study all night for a test or finish a project. An individual in a highly competitive job with a large workload may take Adderall to help them work longer or faster to receive better performance reviews or larger bonuses or to make it more likely to receive a promotion.

Unfortunately, these scenarios and similar scenarios can lead to addiction, defined as a dependency on a substance. When someone is physically and mentally dependent on Adderall, they may experience certain side effects that include:

  • An increase in exhaustion or fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating and having trouble with memory
  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Having trouble sleeping or insomnia
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Mood swings, including irritability and feeling anxious

What are some of the potential physical and mental side effects of Adderall?

Adderall can help people feel calmer and stay focused. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t without side effects. Individuals who take Adderall as prescribed as well as those who take it for off-label uses or suffer from dependency may experience certain side Adderall effects, including:

  • Changes in vision
  • Decreased appetite and weight loss
  • Feelings of nervousness and restlessness
  • Hoarseness and dry mouth
  • Increased heart rate
  • Problems getting to sleep and staying asleep
  • Slow speech
  • Stomach aches

What are the warning signs of Adderall addiction?

It’s important to note that someone experiencing side effects from taking Adderall may not suffer from Adderall abuse or experience addiction. However, since Adderall is a Schedule II controlled substance, it has a high potential for misuse and addiction. Signs of Adderall addiction include:

  • Appearing disoriented
  • Displaying unusual or uncharacteristic excitability
  • Eating less, loss of appetite and/or weight loss
  • Exhibiting secretive behavior or socially withdrawing
  • Experiencing a decline in personal hygiene or looking unkempt
  • Experiencing financial difficulties due to spending lots of money on Adderall
  • Seeming preoccupied with being more productive or getting more done
  • Taking more Adderall than was prescribed by a doctor or taking Adderall without a prescription
  • Repeatedly running out of Adderall earlier than listed on their prescription

If you notice any of these Adderall addiction signs, the individual may need help stopping their use and recovering from their dependency. The good news is that help is available at places like Cypress Lake Recovery in Woodville, Texas.

What should someone, who has an Adderall addiction, do to get help and recover?

If you or one of your family members displays Adderall addiction signs, they can get help. At Cypress Lake Recovery offers a comprehensive treatment program for Adderall abuse at our residential treatment center. Our treatments and therapy options include counseling, detox, art and music therapy, writing therapy, equine therapy, and recovery planning. We even offer family therapy to help everyone in the family heal and recover from the Adderall addiction and its far-reaching effects.

To learn more about how we can help you or your family member, who is showing symptoms of Adderall abuse, recover, give us a call today at 409-407-5665.

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