Choosing the right treatment program doesn’t have to be a challenging process. The more information you have about what it takes to treat someone struggling with a drug and alcohol addiction, the more power you have in making the best decision possible for your loved one.

What is your success rate?

Currently, there is no standardization of what constitutes “success” in recovery. Every treatment center defines their rates of success differently but few treatment centers provide measured outcomes. Providing outcomes is becoming a standard in the recovery industry, but all treatment centers define their outcomes differently. For example, one treatment center might consider six  months of abstinence after treatment success while others count a full year of sobriety or more success. Gaining longitudinal data is difficult. What makes outcomes and success rates more difficult is the fact that abstinence also is not a standard throughout recovery. The reason it is important to ask this question is to flag down treatment centers convincing you of their success rates. Treatment programs which don’t provide aftercare, alumni programming, or extended follow up periods don’t have the means to provide a success rate. If a treatment program heavily emphasizes their high rates of success, push them to define what that means and how they quantify success.

patient being asked to present or share a story at a group therapy session

How long should I expect treatment to be?

There is little room for debate left over the fact that long term treatment is the most effective treatment. Four weeks of treatment is not enough to help a client create the effective change they need in their lives. Most treatment centers are pushing towards a step down process or accommodating longer lengths of stay. It’s important to ask this questions in order to raise two red flags. First, if a treatment center advertises that all your loved one will need is a 30 day stay and they will be cured of their problem, that is a red flag. Second, if a treatment center does not openly discuss the fact that longer treatment is proven to be more effective treatment, when they ask you to extend your loved one’s stay it will come as a shock.

How do you create a treatment plan?

Addiction is not one size fits all. Therefore, recovery should not be one size fits all. If a treatment center tells you that everyone goes through the same treatments as everyone else, they are trying to sell a blanket approach to treatment. Treatment programs work best when they are individualized to the specific needs of each client. A treatment center representative should be able to tell you in extensive detail how they assess each client and what measures the treatment team takes to create a specific plan.

Cypress Lake Recovery incorporates a mind, body and spirit approach to recovery, crafting the balance of life enriching treatment, wellness, and healthy relationships that are sustainable. To learn more about our treatments, our recovery team and staff, give us a call at 409 331 2204.

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The 3 Questions To Ask A Treatment Center

Choosing the right treatment program doesn’t have to be a challenging process. The more information you have about what it takes to treat someone struggling with a drug and alcohol addiction, the more power you have in making the best decision possible for your loved one.

What is your success rate?

Currently, there is no standardization of what constitutes “success” in recovery. Every treatment center defines their rates of success differently but few treatment centers provide measured outcomes. Providing outcomes is becoming a standard in the recovery industry, but all treatment centers define their outcomes differently. For example, one treatment center might consider six  months of abstinence after treatment success while others count a full year of sobriety or more success. Gaining longitudinal data is difficult. What makes outcomes and success rates more difficult is the fact that abstinence also is not a standard throughout recovery. The reason it is important to ask this question is to flag down treatment centers convincing you of their success rates. Treatment programs which don’t provide aftercare, alumni programming, or extended follow up periods don’t have the means to provide a success rate. If a treatment program heavily emphasizes their high rates of success, push them to define what that means and how they quantify success.

patient being asked to present or share a story at a group therapy session

How long should I expect treatment to be?

There is little room for debate left over the fact that long term treatment is the most effective treatment. Four weeks of treatment is not enough to help a client create the effective change they need in their lives. Most treatment centers are pushing towards a step down process or accommodating longer lengths of stay. It’s important to ask this questions in order to raise two red flags. First, if a treatment center advertises that all your loved one will need is a 30 day stay and they will be cured of their problem, that is a red flag. Second, if a treatment center does not openly discuss the fact that longer treatment is proven to be more effective treatment, when they ask you to extend your loved one’s stay it will come as a shock.

How do you create a treatment plan?

Addiction is not one size fits all. Therefore, recovery should not be one size fits all. If a treatment center tells you that everyone goes through the same treatments as everyone else, they are trying to sell a blanket approach to treatment. Treatment programs work best when they are individualized to the specific needs of each client. A treatment center representative should be able to tell you in extensive detail how they assess each client and what measures the treatment team takes to create a specific plan.

Cypress Lake Recovery incorporates a mind, body and spirit approach to recovery, crafting the balance of life enriching treatment, wellness, and healthy relationships that are sustainable. To learn more about our treatments, our recovery team and staff, give us a call at 409 331 2204.

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