Alternative therapies for recovery are not necessarily out of the ‘mainstream’ as much as they used to be. These days, therapists and treatment centers often provide an array of therapies to supplement traditional therapeutic approaches such as yoga, water therapy, meditation, and many more. There is some controversy about their overall benefits but people believe they can really ease recovery and even accelerate the healing process.

group therapy for addiction and mental health treatment in texas

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is all about mindfulness. Gaining mindfulness helps people with substance abuse disorder build awareness of thoughts and feelings (positive and negative) but not react to the negative ones which can be positive for recovery. Lower levels of stress hormones are often found in people who meditate along with increased immune function and increased positivity of mood. Different types of mindfulness meditation exist which promote physiological and psychological benefits for people in recovery. It has been shown to reduce the use of alcohol, cigarettes, and even illicit drugs.


Biochemical restoration works to repair the biochemical imbalances that cause cravings, depression, anxiety, and unstable moods that perpetuate addiction. Certain imbalances can make a person more prone to addiction including imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain, nutrient deficiencies, amino acid imbalances, hypoglycemia, and adrenal fatigue. An individualized biochemical plan can be developed for people with imbalances who seek restoration. One large aspect to treating addiction in recovery is nutritional deficiencies. Adding protein, fiber, and healthy fats is the best way to get started.


Yoga means ‘union’ in Sanskrit, which combines three aspects: physical postures, breath work, and meditation. Inner peace can really support recovery and prevent relapse. Yoga can also build strength, stamina, relieve anxiety, stress, and even depression. Breathwork is also important for healing as it can help detoxify the body and build energy stores.


Daily exercise, even in small doses, can boost mood. Starting an exercise regimen can also help fill the void, leading to a sense of purpose. Exercise can improve cardiovascular function, cognitive function, and other things as well. It leads to increased neurotransmitter levels and has a positive impact on memory.

Art Therapy

Considered an activity-based therapy, art and music therapy and construction projects are all great ways to build creativity, self-esteem, and confidence. Art therapy has been shown to reduce rates of relapse and music therapy can lower depression, stress, and anxiety for people in recovery.

Cypress Lake Recovery provides alternative therapies like nutrition, art, and more. We offer space to explore recovery in a nonjudgmental environment, free of outside stressors that can often derail recovery efforts. Come and learn about how we can support your recovery with our treatment programs.

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These 5 Valuable Alternative Therapies Can Propel Recovery

Alternative therapies for recovery are not necessarily out of the ‘mainstream’ as much as they used to be. These days, therapists and treatment centers often provide an array of therapies to supplement traditional therapeutic approaches such as yoga, water therapy, meditation, and many more. There is some controversy about their overall benefits but people believe they can really ease recovery and even accelerate the healing process.

group therapy for addiction and mental health treatment in texas

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is all about mindfulness. Gaining mindfulness helps people with substance abuse disorder build awareness of thoughts and feelings (positive and negative) but not react to the negative ones which can be positive for recovery. Lower levels of stress hormones are often found in people who meditate along with increased immune function and increased positivity of mood. Different types of mindfulness meditation exist which promote physiological and psychological benefits for people in recovery. It has been shown to reduce the use of alcohol, cigarettes, and even illicit drugs.


Biochemical restoration works to repair the biochemical imbalances that cause cravings, depression, anxiety, and unstable moods that perpetuate addiction. Certain imbalances can make a person more prone to addiction including imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain, nutrient deficiencies, amino acid imbalances, hypoglycemia, and adrenal fatigue. An individualized biochemical plan can be developed for people with imbalances who seek restoration. One large aspect to treating addiction in recovery is nutritional deficiencies. Adding protein, fiber, and healthy fats is the best way to get started.


Yoga means ‘union’ in Sanskrit, which combines three aspects: physical postures, breath work, and meditation. Inner peace can really support recovery and prevent relapse. Yoga can also build strength, stamina, relieve anxiety, stress, and even depression. Breathwork is also important for healing as it can help detoxify the body and build energy stores.


Daily exercise, even in small doses, can boost mood. Starting an exercise regimen can also help fill the void, leading to a sense of purpose. Exercise can improve cardiovascular function, cognitive function, and other things as well. It leads to increased neurotransmitter levels and has a positive impact on memory.

Art Therapy

Considered an activity-based therapy, art and music therapy and construction projects are all great ways to build creativity, self-esteem, and confidence. Art therapy has been shown to reduce rates of relapse and music therapy can lower depression, stress, and anxiety for people in recovery.

Cypress Lake Recovery provides alternative therapies like nutrition, art, and more. We offer space to explore recovery in a nonjudgmental environment, free of outside stressors that can often derail recovery efforts. Come and learn about how we can support your recovery with our treatment programs.

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