According to Reuters a recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry reveals that there has been a significant increase in heroin use in the United states, even in the last year. “Heroin use in the United States has risen five-fold in the past decade and dependence on the drug has more than tripled, with the biggest jumps among whites and men with low incomes and little education,” in addition to young adults. People of caucasian descent between the ages of 18 to 44 saw the largest rise in heroin addiction. Problematically, the article points out, this is one of the demographics who have the most difficult time accessing resources for treatment. Heroin use and heroin addiction also saw an increase for women, but the increase was not as drastic as it was for males.

Why Is Heroin Use Rising?
Various studies have indicated that the opioid epidemic has reached its peak and is actually on the decline. A primary problem in the opioid epidemic is the use of prescription painkillers. As more awareness and education builds regarding the high potential for a fatal addiction to opioid painkillers, there are more regulations being put into place. As a result, the old systems those addicted to opioids would use no longer works. For example, it is more difficult now than it has been to get repeat prescriptions from a doctor or filled by a pharmacy. States are initiating the use of state monitoring systems which track prescriptions filled by an individual. Federal government is considering a nationwide regulation system which could limit the amount of opioid painkillers allowed to be prescribed and taken.
Heroin is often a final destination for those who have found themselves addicted to opiates. An opiate itself, heroin delivers the same euphoric effects as well as analgesia and pain relief. The chemical addiction to heroin is considered worse than other opiates because of the distinct symptoms of withdrawal including severe flu-like systems and a version of restless leg syndrome. Prescription painkillers are costly, both by legal prescription and illegal purchasing on the street. Heroin is considerably less expensive and effective in creating the high desperately needed in opioid addiction. In need of the next high, many who are addicted to painkillers find themselves seeking out heroin.
Cypress Lake Recovery provides detox, residential treatment, and more. By bringing together holistic and therapeutic treatments, our programs bring an integrative approach to healing. Our doors are open to everyone in need of restoration in their lives. Serving those with substance use issues, dual diagnosis, sex addiction, gambling addiction, or eating disorders, we welcome you as you are. We’re here to help you get better. For more information, call 1-866-217-2636.