Drug and alcohol addiction puts a person at risk for life-threatening medical health complications. Substance abuse causes brain damage, liver failure, nerve damage, heart attack, overdose, and death. Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or paranoia develop from substance abuse.

Drug and alcohol abuse severs relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. A person who has a substance addiction becomes less productive, responsive, and dependable. This can lead to job loss and financial problems. Savings is spent on getting more drugs and alcohol while responsibilities are no longer a priority. Family and friends are also affected by their loved one’s drug and alcohol addiction.   

woman getting addiction treatment in texas but is still reluctant about getting treatment

People with an addiction to drugs and alcohol are reluctant to seek treatment. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Fear of a lifestyle change. When a person goes through treatment, a lot needs to change for a successful recovery. He or she must exchange their lifestyle of drugs and alcohol for one that is substance-free. This is difficult to do because an addicted brain needs to learn to function normally, without the substances that created a dependency.
  • Fear of painful withdrawals. Withdrawals occur when drug and alcohol use ends. The symptoms of withdrawals vary and depend on the amount of alcohol consumed, what drug was used, how often it was used, the duration of use, and other factors such as physical health. Withdrawals can be very uncomfortable and could deter a person from treatment.
  • Fear of letting go of friends. When a person commits to treatment, the potential risks of relapse need to be avoided. This includes friends or people who would drink or get high with them.

Fear of negative stigma. There can be a negative stigma surrounding drug or alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, this judgment can deter a person from getting treatment. The negative perception people have on those with an addiction can contribute to a person’s low self-esteem, low confidence, and feelings of unworthiness.

There are so many benefits to enjoy when living substance-free. Support and encouragement from family and friends can help influence a loved one to get the treatment they need. People with a drug or alcohol addiction can live a healthy, sober lifestyle throughout recovery.

If you have a substance addiction, get help now. Cypress Lake Recovery specializes in treatment for drug and alcohol addiction with a mind, body, and spiritual approach to therapy. Make the call today and save yourself from the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol. Recovery is possible. You can thrive living substance-free!

Cypress Lake Recovery offers excellence in addiction treatment. The facility is located in a serene, remote, lush-green environment. The program encompasses holistic addiction therapy for the mind, body, and soul. The focus is on physical, mental, and emotional well-being by generating the balance of life-enriching treatment, wellness, and healthy, sober, sustainable relationships. Call us to get started: 866-217-2636

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Why People are Reluctant to Seek Treatment

Drug and alcohol addiction puts a person at risk for life-threatening medical health complications. Substance abuse causes brain damage, liver failure, nerve damage, heart attack, overdose, and death. Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or paranoia develop from substance abuse.

Drug and alcohol abuse severs relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. A person who has a substance addiction becomes less productive, responsive, and dependable. This can lead to job loss and financial problems. Savings is spent on getting more drugs and alcohol while responsibilities are no longer a priority. Family and friends are also affected by their loved one's drug and alcohol addiction.   

woman getting addiction treatment in texas but is still reluctant about getting treatment

People with an addiction to drugs and alcohol are reluctant to seek treatment. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Fear of a lifestyle change. When a person goes through treatment, a lot needs to change for a successful recovery. He or she must exchange their lifestyle of drugs and alcohol for one that is substance-free. This is difficult to do because an addicted brain needs to learn to function normally, without the substances that created a dependency.
  • Fear of painful withdrawals. Withdrawals occur when drug and alcohol use ends. The symptoms of withdrawals vary and depend on the amount of alcohol consumed, what drug was used, how often it was used, the duration of use, and other factors such as physical health. Withdrawals can be very uncomfortable and could deter a person from treatment.
  • Fear of letting go of friends. When a person commits to treatment, the potential risks of relapse need to be avoided. This includes friends or people who would drink or get high with them.

Fear of negative stigma. There can be a negative stigma surrounding drug or alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, this judgment can deter a person from getting treatment. The negative perception people have on those with an addiction can contribute to a person's low self-esteem, low confidence, and feelings of unworthiness.

There are so many benefits to enjoy when living substance-free. Support and encouragement from family and friends can help influence a loved one to get the treatment they need. People with a drug or alcohol addiction can live a healthy, sober lifestyle throughout recovery.

If you have a substance addiction, get help now. Cypress Lake Recovery specializes in treatment for drug and alcohol addiction with a mind, body, and spiritual approach to therapy. Make the call today and save yourself from the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol. Recovery is possible. You can thrive living substance-free!

Cypress Lake Recovery offers excellence in addiction treatment. The facility is located in a serene, remote, lush-green environment. The program encompasses holistic addiction therapy for the mind, body, and soul. The focus is on physical, mental, and emotional well-being by generating the balance of life-enriching treatment, wellness, and healthy, sober, sustainable relationships. Call us to get started: 866-217-2636

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