A drug test result may come in right away or it may take a few hours to a few days. Testing for drug addiction can involve an in-depth assessment including a psychological examination and mental health assessment. Drug testing is one of the most accurate and efficient ways to confirm a loved one is using drugs or alcohol.

drug testing to know if one has drug abuse problemDo I Need Drug Testing?

There are a number of reasons why drug testing may be needed. Some drug tests are mandated by government or an organization. Some drug tests are required by law enforcement, courts or employers. Parents and spouses may also request drug testing for a loved one believed to have challenges with addiction. Physical drug testing is one way to determine through samples of urine, blood or hair. A lab can perform this or family may choose home drug testing kits.

When Testing is Needed

Drug testing can happen for many reasons but addiction specialists may use a positive drug test as one indicator of addiction challenges. A person’s behavior and actions are more likely to indicate dependence than one drug test. Some of the following may occur if a person has addiction:

  • Development of tolerance to drugs
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Taking more of the drug than intended
  • Attempts to quit are made but are unsuccessful
  • More is being spent on using, trying to obtain or recovering from effects of drug use
  • Use may continue in spite of consequences

Overall, drug testing is one of the best ways to identify substance abuse when a person is not displaying obvious signs and symptoms of dependence or addiction. If a test is positive for drugs or alcohol, this is one indicator a problem exists. It may be time to speak with family, friends or counselors who can offer guidance as to which direction to go in for more support.

Cypress Lakes brings integrative therapies to life during treatment. Our vision brings together holistic and therapeutic treatment to create an individualized approach to treatment for addiction. Call us to find out more information. 866-217-2636

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Why Some People Need Drug Testing

A drug test result may come in right away or it may take a few hours to a few days. Testing for drug addiction can involve an in-depth assessment including a psychological examination and mental health assessment. Drug testing is one of the most accurate and efficient ways to confirm a loved one is using drugs or alcohol.

drug testing to know if one has drug abuse problemDo I Need Drug Testing?

There are a number of reasons why drug testing may be needed. Some drug tests are mandated by government or an organization. Some drug tests are required by law enforcement, courts or employers. Parents and spouses may also request drug testing for a loved one believed to have challenges with addiction. Physical drug testing is one way to determine through samples of urine, blood or hair. A lab can perform this or family may choose home drug testing kits.

When Testing is Needed

Drug testing can happen for many reasons but addiction specialists may use a positive drug test as one indicator of addiction challenges. A person’s behavior and actions are more likely to indicate dependence than one drug test. Some of the following may occur if a person has addiction:

  • Development of tolerance to drugs
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Taking more of the drug than intended
  • Attempts to quit are made but are unsuccessful
  • More is being spent on using, trying to obtain or recovering from effects of drug use
  • Use may continue in spite of consequences

Overall, drug testing is one of the best ways to identify substance abuse when a person is not displaying obvious signs and symptoms of dependence or addiction. If a test is positive for drugs or alcohol, this is one indicator a problem exists. It may be time to speak with family, friends or counselors who can offer guidance as to which direction to go in for more support.

Cypress Lakes brings integrative therapies to life during treatment. Our vision brings together holistic and therapeutic treatment to create an individualized approach to treatment for addiction. Call us to find out more information. 866-217-2636

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