
I came to Sabino confused and broken. My life had become unmanageable. The first four days I cried. I felt I did not fit in and wondered if I would ever love and feel put back together like those near graduation upon my arrival. I was scared and didn’t know who to trust, not even me. I was determined to leave a different person, than who I was when I showed up. Here are my lessons along the way at Sabino: 1. Slow down and let go of the outside world. 2. What others think about you is none of your business. 3. Attend each integrative with an open and willing mind and trust every process offered… there is a reason.
I took control of my recovery by reading all I could to understand my trauma, what had happened, and what caused my behavior. I further asked for additional homework related to my trauma. Staff with Sabino know what they are doing – “please jump in and trust this process.” I am now full of joy, love, and happiness. I leave here grateful and thankful…and a whole complete new person…permanently.

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