woman writing as part of her addiction and mental health treatmentStories frequently trend online when men and women come forward about their experiences with eating disorders. It takes bravery, honesty, and courage to confront one’s issues with an eating disorder on paper. Writing therapy is an alternative treatment modality which encourages a journey of self-discovery through journaling, writing prompts, and introspection through the practice of writing.

Writing Makes The Normal Abnormal

Eating disorders become a normal way of life for most of the men and women who live with them. Living with an eating disorder is not always obvious. For many, the hidden secrecy of their disordered eating habits as well as thinking patterns is part of the sickness. Despite the problems underneath the surface, the perceived benefits of participating in harmful disordered behaviors overrides the reality of having an eating disorder. In a society where thinness and perfectionism in body image is emphasized, many find it “normal” to be concerned about body image and go to extreme lengths to perfect it. The normalization of extreme dieting and obsession regarding body image creates a normalization for eating disorders to hide within. The therapeutic writing process can create a stark reality out of a fantasy. Writing about eating disorders, like what one consumes in a day or describing the rigidity of their exercise plan, for example, can expose just how abnormal what they think normal is.

Writing Exposes The Disordered Thinking

Behind the “abnormal” is a deeply ingrained system of thinking. Eating disorders live in different parts of the brain which are most difficult to rewire. Though success in recovery from eating disorders is common, brain imaging studies show that it could take years for the brain to actually change. Disordered thinking is what causes a skew in food, diet, exercise, and body image.

Writing Can Encourage Surrender

As more of an eating disorder is exposed through writing therapy, the powerlessness one has over their eating disorder becomes more and more obvious. Surrendering the lies about an eating disorder to the truth that an eating disorder exists is often the most difficult part. Giving up an eating disorder often feels like giving up a security blanket, a survival mechanism, or even a friend. Impending grief and loss is shrouded by the disordered fear of weight gain and judgment.

Writing Is Supportive Of Recovery

Throughout the treatment process, ongoing writing therapy for eating disorders tells the story of recovery. Journeying through phases of therapeutic development, one can witness the changes in their perspective, mindset, and core beliefs through their writing. Living without an eating disorder is no longer a threat or a punishment, but a gift for which one can find immense gratitude.
Bringing together holistic and therapeutic treatments into a unique and integrative treatment program is what sets Cypress Lake Recovery apart for eating disorder treatment. Our beautiful estate settled in the rolling hillsides of East Texas offers the perfect environment for restoration. For more information, call us today.

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Writing Therapy Brings Eating Disorder Issues To Light

woman writing as part of her addiction and mental health treatmentStories frequently trend online when men and women come forward about their experiences with eating disorders. It takes bravery, honesty, and courage to confront one’s issues with an eating disorder on paper. Writing therapy is an alternative treatment modality which encourages a journey of self-discovery through journaling, writing prompts, and introspection through the practice of writing.

Writing Makes The Normal Abnormal

Eating disorders become a normal way of life for most of the men and women who live with them. Living with an eating disorder is not always obvious. For many, the hidden secrecy of their disordered eating habits as well as thinking patterns is part of the sickness. Despite the problems underneath the surface, the perceived benefits of participating in harmful disordered behaviors overrides the reality of having an eating disorder. In a society where thinness and perfectionism in body image is emphasized, many find it “normal” to be concerned about body image and go to extreme lengths to perfect it. The normalization of extreme dieting and obsession regarding body image creates a normalization for eating disorders to hide within. The therapeutic writing process can create a stark reality out of a fantasy. Writing about eating disorders, like what one consumes in a day or describing the rigidity of their exercise plan, for example, can expose just how abnormal what they think normal is.

Writing Exposes The Disordered Thinking

Behind the “abnormal” is a deeply ingrained system of thinking. Eating disorders live in different parts of the brain which are most difficult to rewire. Though success in recovery from eating disorders is common, brain imaging studies show that it could take years for the brain to actually change. Disordered thinking is what causes a skew in food, diet, exercise, and body image.

Writing Can Encourage Surrender

As more of an eating disorder is exposed through writing therapy, the powerlessness one has over their eating disorder becomes more and more obvious. Surrendering the lies about an eating disorder to the truth that an eating disorder exists is often the most difficult part. Giving up an eating disorder often feels like giving up a security blanket, a survival mechanism, or even a friend. Impending grief and loss is shrouded by the disordered fear of weight gain and judgment.

Writing Is Supportive Of Recovery

Throughout the treatment process, ongoing writing therapy for eating disorders tells the story of recovery. Journeying through phases of therapeutic development, one can witness the changes in their perspective, mindset, and core beliefs through their writing. Living without an eating disorder is no longer a threat or a punishment, but a gift for which one can find immense gratitude.
Bringing together holistic and therapeutic treatments into a unique and integrative treatment program is what sets Cypress Lake Recovery apart for eating disorder treatment. Our beautiful estate settled in the rolling hillsides of East Texas offers the perfect environment for restoration. For more information, call us today.

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